Redhill Junior And Infant School

Our School Our Future

Redhill Road, Birmingham, West Midlands, B25 8HQ


In this section:

School Holiday Dates 

Last day of School: Friday 20th December 2024

Teacher training day: Monday 6th January 2025

School reopens for children: Tuesday 7th January 2025


Redhill Primary School Vision


At Redhill School we support every child through their personal learning journey with a positive focus on celebrating success and progress. We provide our pupils with the opportunity to become aspirational lifelong learners by having high expectations and giving them the capacity to realise their own potential.

 We embrace our diversity and the individuality of each and every child, facilitating a strong set of core values which embody who we are as individuals, members of our local community, and also as responsible, global citizens.

‘’There should be no boundaries to human endeavor. We are all different.’’

                                                                                  Stephen Hawking.                                       

What are our Objectives?

Our curriculum contributes significantly to developing the four capacities, supporting our children to become:

  • Successful learners
  • Confident individuals
  • Responsible citizens
  • Effective contributors.

In order to achieve these objectives we will:

  • Work together to improve the outcomes for all of our children
  • Cater for the needs of the individual child as well as the school and community
  • Ensure equal opportunities for everyone
  • Provide a positive and nurturing learning environment where the children are safe and successful and take ownership of their learning and personal development.
  • Encourage children to be good attenders and on time every day


Click here to view Redhill School Values


On behalf of the staff, Governors, parents and pupils I am delighted to welcome you to this happy and successful school.

Redhill School supports children through their personal learning journey with a positive focus on celebrating success and progress.

We provide our pupils with the opportunity to become lifelong learners by having high expectations and giving them the capacity to realise their own potential.

We encourage our children to reach for the stars !


Jo-ann Jones,

The Headteacher and staff