Redhill Junior And Infant School

Our School Our Future

Redhill Road, Birmingham, West Midlands, B25 8HQ



At Redhill, we encourage our children to follow an active lifestyle to improve both their physical fitness and their overall wellbeing. We encourage children to develop their physical skills, to work individually and as part of a team and to show increasing control and competence, evaluating their work as they go. We encourage children to recognise that PE is just one way of living a healthy lifestyle and taking part and enjoying PE can lead to improved health and mental well being. Throughout the school ,we follow the LCP Physical Education scheme where lessons are progressive and meet the requirements of the National Curriculum. Our lessons have clear learning objecitves and success criteria for the children to achieve and vocabulary is reinforced regularly in lessons. During our lessons children are often questioned about what they are doing, giving them opportunities to reflect on the activities they are participating in. A warm up and cool down is carried out each lesson. Each class has 2 lessons of P.E weekly.

After School Clubs

The current after school clubs are as follows:

Monday: Football (led by Howard)

Tuesday: Football (led by Howard)

Wednesday: Multi Skills (led by Corey) 

Thursday: Multi Sports (led by Corey) 

All clubs run from 3:15-4:15pm

Wake up, Shake up!

In Key Stage One, children participate in the 'Wake Up, Shake Up' programme twice a week in the small hall. They learn short routines to pop songs to "wake them up" and get them ready for the school day.  To find out more about the programme, visit the website here

Active Learning

Across school, we encourage children to be as active as possible during the day. This includes Brain Gym and Active 5 minute and 8 minute workouts, timetable permitting! Check out Year 2 below carrying out a Joe Wicks Active 5m work out!



Through our PE and PHSE curriculum, we strive to give our pupils the information they need to make the right decisions about their health and well being.  Using the 2020 PHSE statutory guidance and our SCARF scheme of work, we teach:

  • the characteristics and mental and physical benefits of an active lifestyle
  • the importance of building regular exercise into daily and weekly routines and how to achieve this; for example walking or cycling to school, a daily active mile or other forms of regular, vigorous exercise
  • the risks associated with an inactive lifestyle (including obesity).
  • how and when to seek support including which adults to speak to in school if they are worried about their health.  

PE Policy 

Please find our PE policy below. If you have further questions, please see your child's class teacher. 

P.E Knowledge Overview 

We follow the LCP scheme throughout the school


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2


Unit 1 Movement

‘Learn to move in different ways.’

Unit 2 Movement 2

Part 1 At the park

‘Explore different movements in response to music.’

Unit 2 Movement 2

Part 2 We’re going on a bear hunt

‘Demonstrate control and coordination.’


Unit 3 Sense of Space

‘Show awareness of space, of themselves and of others.’

Unit 4 Using Equipment

‘Use a range of equipment.’




Unit 1 Dance Activities 1

‘Copy and explore basic body actions.’

Unit 1 Dance Activities 1

‘Choose and link actions to make short dance phrases that express an idea, mood or feeling.’

Unit 5

Gymnastic Activities 1

Lessons 1-6

‘Perform basic gymnastic actions, including travelling and jumping, and stay still when required.’


Unit 5

Gymnastic Activities 1

Lessons 7-12

‘Make up and perform simple movement phrases in response to simple tasks.’

Unit 3 Games Activities 1

Lessons 1-6

‘Use skills in different ways in different games.’


Unit 3 Games Activities 1

Lessons 7-12

‘Move fluently, changing direction and speed.’





Unit 2 Dance Activities 2


‘Talk about dance, linking movement to moods, ideas and feelings, using simple dance vocabulary.’

Unit 2 Dance Activities 2


‘Copy simple movement patterns from each other and explore the movement.’


Unit 6

Gymnastic Activities 2

Lessons 1-6

‘Move smoothly from a position of stillness to a travelling movement.’

Unit 6

Gymnastic Activities 2

Lessons 7-12

‘Repeat accurately sequences of gymnastic actions.’

Unit 4 Games Activities 2

Lessons 1-6

‘React to situations in a way that supports teammates and makes it difficult for opponents.’

Unit 4 Games Activities 2

Lessons 7-12

‘Perform a range of throwing, striking, kicking, catching and gathering skills with control.’




Unit 8 Dance Activities 3


‘Remember, practise and combine longer, more complex dance phrases.’

Unit 14 Gymnastic Activities 3

‘Show control, accuracy and fluency of movement when performing actions individually or with a partner.’

Unit 12 Striking and Fielding Games 1

‘Strike a ball with intent and throw it more accurately when bowling/fielding.’

Unit 10 Invasion Games 1

‘Use a range of skills that enable them to keep possession and control of the ball and make progress towards a goal, on their own and with others.’

Unit 17 Athletic Activities 1

‘Use different techniques, speeds and effort to meet challenges set for throwing, running and jumping.’

Unit 19 Outdoor and Adventurous Activities 1

‘Work cooperatively with others, choosing simple approaches to solve the problems that are set.’

Swimming (Fox Hollies Leisure Centre)

“Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres.”





Unit 9 Dance Activities 4


‘Remember, practise and combine longer, more complex dance phrases with expression, showing an awareness of others when moving.’

Unit 15 Gymnastic Activities 4

‘Work with a partner to make up a short sequence, showing consistency, fluency and clarity of movement.’

Unit 13 Net/wall games

‘Perform the basic skills needed for net games with control and consistency.’

Unit 11 Invasion Games 2

‘Use a range of techniques and tactics when playing team games.’

Unit 18 Athletic Activities 2

‘Demonstrate different combinations of throws, jumps and runs, showing control coordination and consistency.’

Unit 20 Outdoor and Adventurous Activities 2

‘Realise that activities need thinking through and recognise that planning is useful.’





Unit 21 Dance Activities 5


‘Practise and perform skills and movement patterns with accuracy.’

Unit 27 Gymnastic activities 5

‘Repeat accurately longer sequences with more complex actions, clear shapes and differences between levels, speeds and directions.’

Unit 23 Invasion Games 3 Football

‘Play invasion games, using all the football skills they have learned.’

Unit 24 Invasion Games 4 Netball

‘Perform all the netball skills they have learned with accuracy, confidence and control.’

Unit 26 Net/wall games 2

‘Get into a good position on court to receive the ball.’

Unit 29 Athletic activities 3

‘Demonstrate athletic activities with control, accuracy and speed.’




Unit 22 Dance Activities 6


‘Practise and perform the whole dance with accuracy and expression.’


Unit 28 Gymnastic activities 6

‘Make up longer sequences and perform them with fluency and clarity of movement.’


Unit 25 Striking and Fielding Games 2 Rounders

‘Play striking and fielding games, using all the rounders skills they have learned.’

Unit 25 Striking and Fielding Games 2 Cricket

‘Perform all the cricket skills they have learned with accuracy, confidence and control.’

Unit 30 Outdoor and adventurous activities 3

‘Use physical and teamwork skills well in problem-solving activities.’